Sub-Saharan Africa Publishing and Literature Sector Study

| by Matt Beavers

The British Council wishes to engage a researcher to conduct in-depth research into the trade publishing and literature sectors in six countries in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Sub-Saharan Africa Publishing and Literature Sector Study


The British Council wishes to engage a researcher to conduct in-depth research into the trade publishing and literature sectors in six countries in Sub-Saharan Africa which provides market insights and focuses on innovative practice and the conditions for resilience in the sector. The six countries will be Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Uganda, and Zimbabwe.


The research will provide a comprehensive, accurate overview of the trade publishing and literature sectors in each country with a particular focus on the sector infrastructure and the creative individuals working within the sector. The research will identify innovative practice, opportunities for collaboration, specifically with other SSA countries and with the UK and challenges faced by publishers working in each country. The research will also identify opportunities for professional development and internationalisation of literature professionals working within the sector to strengthen the resilience of their organisations.




6 December 2023       Research commences

18 January 2024         Interim progress meeting

5 February 2024         Draft report due

23 February 2024       Final report due

1 March 2024              PowerPoint Presentation due

March 2024                 Dissemination events


Researcher experience and skills


The Researcher (organisation or individual) must be based in Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Uganda or Zimbabwe, and must also be able to demonstrate the following essential criteria:

  • Technical research skills and experience – evidence of having conducted research using similar methodologies.
  • Arts sector knowledge or experience in SSA - evidence of cultural fluency in working in the arts in Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Uganda, or Zimbabwe
  • Report writing and presenting experience – evidence of having produced well-written, analytical report and presentations which distil large amounts of information into accessible analysis and summary.


It is also desirable if the Supplier has any of the following experience:

  • Publishing / literature expertise – evidence of sectoral knowledge and understanding of the publishing and/or literature and existing networks and contacts to draw upon.
  • Connections the UK – understanding of publishing and/or literature sectors in the UK and existing networks and contacts to draw upon. 


How to submit a proposal


British Council is running a tender through its online tender platform In-Tend.


Closing date


Monday 6 November 2023; 18.00 CAT

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