Nirwan Dewanto


Nirwan Dewanto is a poet, essayist, editor, and arts curator. His poetry collections, Jantung Lebah Ratu (Heart of the Queen Bee, 2008) and Buli-Buli Lima Kaki (Five-Footed Jug, 2010), won the top poetry award in Indonesia in the respective years. His poetry has been translated into a number of foreign languages. He is the lead curator at the Salihara Arts Center in South Jakarta. He has participated in a number of residency programs, including the International Writing Program at the University of Iowa, USA. His poetry in English translation is Museum of Pure Desire (2017). His latest book Buku Jingga (The Orange Book) was chosen as the best prose book/novel of 2018 by Tempo weekly magazine. His other publications include Satu Setengah Mata-mata (One and Half Spies, essays, 2016), Senjakala Kebudayaan (Twilight of Culture, essays, revised edition, 2017), The Origin of Happiness (poems in English and German translations, 2015), and Buku Merah (The Red Book, prose-poem, 2017).

Nirwan Dewanto Museum of Pure DesireNirwan Dewanto Buli Buli Lima KakiNirwan Dewanto Buku Jingga


The Origin of Happiness and Other Poems (Lontar Foundation)


Khatulistiwa Literary Award
Khatulistiwa Literary Award

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